Past and Present Projects

Highly visible specialty Retail Chain of Active and Lifestyle Sportswear
March 2003 to Present

Highly visible specialty retail chain of active sportswear with 10 stores. Company had been in business for over twenty years. 2001 and 2002 were challenging years for the chain and profitability suffered. We were asked to come in and restructure debt, work with creditors, work with staff and store operations and return the company to profitability.

This is an on-going program. The chain has successfully continued operations and has added 6 more stores.

Mid-Size Apparel Manufacturer
August 2009 to Present

$30 million company with 4 operating units. Branded high profile manufacturer of active life-style products. Business has experienced excellent growth path. We have provided oversight and guidance of management staff (including adding/removing staff) towards continued growth and profitable operations.

Advise new operating units and wind down of un-profitable operating units. This is an on-going program.

$100 million publicly traded company with 12 operating units
January 2009 – September 2009

$100 million publicly traded company with 12 operating units, with many moving parts. The Company suffered significantly from the recession. Sales and profits were deteriorating at a rapid pace and the major secured lender was in for an 8 digit loan.

We were asked to come in and re-structure the business and get the secured lender re-paid. 

After a rough 4 months, stability was finally achieved and the secured lender was completely re-paid by the end of July.

There was an orderly wind down of all non-profitable operations, leaving 2 operating units that would achieve profitable operations.

Mid-size Distributor of fashion and high end fashion products
November 2010 to Present January 2017

$60 million trading company with 5 operating units, with many moving parts. The Company has had mixed results over the years. Some years making substantial profits and others with moderate losses. The major secured lender was in for a low 8 digit loan.

We were asked to come in and aid in the re-structure of the business towards stable and profitable operations.

This is an on-going process. The secured lender has been replaced with a more flexible program. This has given the client more head room and flexibility to take advantage of opportunities, as they come along. Operations are stabilized, inventory levels are adjusting to match sales and turnover targets, streamlining operations and other overheads, etc.

Mid-size Apparel Manufacturer LA
January 2012 to Present March 2017

$30 million company with 6 operating units, with many moving parts. The Company suffered significantly from the recession. Margins and profits were deteriorating at a rapid pace and the major secured lender was in for a 7 digit loan.

We were asked to come in and re-structure the business towards stable and profitable operations.

This is an on-going process. As a result of our time with the client, the secured lender has given the client more head room, as operations continue to stabilize, inventory levels adjusted to match sales and turnover targets, streamline operations and other overheads, etc.